Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Unreasonable man

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world;
the unreasonable man persists in
trying to adapt the world to himself.
Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man


Milutin said...

It`s just not true, the unreasonable man PERSISTS in its wish not to change and adapt, so he does not adapt the world to himself. It is "word game" (ovako se ne kaze na engleskom igra reci, sigurno)

Slavko said...

Please speak French, I don't understand you quite well.

Milutin said...

Pa ti si stavio G.B. Shaw-a u originalu. A za francusku verziju bih morala malo da razmislim. Ako me ne bude mrzelo, hocu.

Milutin said...

Ce n`est pas vrai. Un homme irraisonable persiste dans son vouloir de ne pas se changer, c`est a dire qu`il n`adapte pas le monde à soi-meme.:-)

Slavko said...

Merci, chéri !